Now I Know!

The week has been very positive, I am doing well, getting lots of rest so that I can be ready for the next treatment. Today a beautiful Saturday afternoon. I just finished a healthy lunch. Now I am having a soothing cup of green tea. My husband make the most wonderful cup of tea. If I had known that, I would have let him  make the tea long before this. 🙂

I would have posted this last night but my other half like to listen to gospel music while reading the news papers at night. While he is doing his thing, it is time for my bible reading and prayer before bed time. I am always so thankful to the Lord for every bit of life he gives us. When I say us I mean family and even people I don’t know, they need prayer also.

I started writing this on the evening that the Housewives of New Jersey comes on. I might try to stay up to watch but my eyes are a little tired right now. There are so many reality shows on television now. Have any of you out there ever watched that show or the Atlanta Housewives? They’re two crazy shows, with lots of crazy women. I get a good laugh at them. I don’t know which one is worst.

This past week was a week without treatment. Next week treatment starts again for two weeks. I am not looking forward to it at all but it’s something that needs to be done. I can get to go out for a while next week, that’s when the nurses say it’s somewhat safe.

Every night before I go to bed I like to read a special chapter from the book of Psalm. The scripture is (Psalm 103 : 1-22) Its to much for me to write but it’s not a long chapter. Very good reading. It calms me down before I lay my head down for the night. Give it a try maybe you will make it yours. I love reading the books of Psalm. It also teaches you to pray, when we have those times words just don’t come out for us. That’s when I turn to Psalm for help. What a wonderful find. Gods words are so powerful and meaningful. Every time I read the bible, I come away feeling at ease and very calm. The words of God speaks for itself.

Before I close, the question was asked once, where did I get the knack for writing from? 🙂 It was a childhood secret. I used to love poem, I still do. After I got married, had our son, I did it to relax while the he was sleeping. As he got older, I put a pen and paper in his hand and then we started. When our son got older he took it up as a hobby, but now he stole my fame and fortune. :). I guess I’ll let him  own this one right? The things we allow our children get away with. He is getting paid from my hobby. Who would have thought. Maybe there are other writers in the family that we don’t know about. What do you think family? 🙂 Again,  Love you all (family)

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3 Responses to Now I Know!

  1. Alan says:

    Hi Mom! That’s funny, I never knew you liked to write! Now I know where I got the talent from. 🙂 I’ve been writing since I was a little child and it’s all thanks to you.

    Anyway, I’m so glad you shared this story, I always knew that you and Dad liked to read, but I never knew that you liked to write so much! You two take care of yourselves and relax now. Love you both!

    • LadyKemp says:

      Now I KNOW TOO! I too love to read, I remember going to our library in Virginia where Aunt Maude was the librarian, boy I wish that I could just have all those books in my house. So much to explore, so much wisdom. So Olga, I guess it’s a family thing, the love of writing and reading. Keep it up, I am learning so much as you share your heart with us.

  2. Julie Smith says:

    Well Hello Sis Oggie,
    It’s always good to read your blog… find you in such good spirit…and to get a little laugh. Glad to hear you are getting lots of rest. Rest is very important when going through treatment. You are such a strong woman. I thank God for my wonderful sisters and brothers…I am blessed. Mom and Dad did a great job raising their children. They taught us how to love, respect others and each other no matter what the circumstance. Now I know where Alan got his talent for writing (I never knew that).
    Say hello to Nelson & Alan. I will close with Romans 12:9-21 but will not type all the words, just some. You may want to read the full reading. “Marks of the true Christian. Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honor. Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints; extend hospitality to strangers”. May God Bless, Love Sis Hi

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