A Time To Give

Well today is Thursday. The weather is cool but a little damp. I am doing good today. I pray you all are doing as well.

Sitting here sipping a great cup of white & green tea. It has such a sweet aroma. I love this stuff.

Not much going on since my last entry on my blog. My treatment is on going. I am not sure when it will finish.I am leaving it in the hands of the Lord and doctors. I  think they are thinking about changing my treatment because the other one was making me sick sometimes. I am always reminded that God is the great healer. Right now I am in a great place .

Its eleven in the morning . Time to plan dinner. Here we go again. 🙂 all about food. My husband feels like comfort food tonight. He got the slow cooker out and away he went. The dinner is cooking , the smell is awsome. He will add the veggies later on. I am thinking about some biscuits to go along with that pot of beef and kale stew.

Girls and guys it’s time for trick or treat. None going on here, too much sweets. I am going to miss it a lot. The kids are so cute with their costumes and bags full  of goodies. It takes me back to when my son was a lad. 🙂 but the day after ,the question always is (what to do with all that candy) you try to hide it but that do not work. 🙂

Another thought just crossed my mind Christmas. Christmas stuff is creeping in the stores already. What’s wrong with the retailers. They are now talking about black Friday in November. ( money, money ) Lets not be fooled by them. They are anxious to get our money. Somethings we don’t need is more stuff. We should focus on buying what we need but to think about those that don’t have. Times are hard for some people out there. While we  over eat without any guilt. We should remember what God wants us to do. He said to give to those in need and the poor. All of us reading this blog are not too much in need for the everyday things like food , clothing, or a roof over our heads. So, lets be thankful and share some of what we have with others. I know you all are very giving people. I know this because we are family. This does not mean that we should not enjoy the wonderful things that God has provided along with his many blessings.

The scripture for today is : Matthew( 6:1-4 ) When you help a needy person, do it in such a way that even your closest friend will not know about it. Then it will be a private matter.And your Father, who sees what you do in private, will reward you.

Lets stay prayed up sisters.

Sister in Christ always.

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3 Responses to A Time To Give

  1. Juliette Thomas says:

    Hello Sis.

    Nice to have you back writing.
    It’s Monday Nov. 1st. I have the day off, God knew I would need this day to complete all my house work that was not done over the weekend:-)

    We had our Thanksgiving holiday and it was very quiet, Moe did not bring anyone home for dinner so we were back to 4 again, Cinera went to her grandparents. I am use to planning big meals for holidays but not this time. I really miss those days going to Mom and everyone meeting to eat. We sure had the Big mama house just like in the movie:-)

    Remembrance day is soon here and now we remember all the men and women who are out there fighting for peace. God bless them all.

    Sis. Please take time everyday and remember that we all Love you here and wish we could give you a big big hug now. Maybe you guys can come during a Christmas time and celebrate in the family Christmas dinner and gift evening. We miss you, Nelson and Lois during that day. Sometimes the tradition changes a little but the message is the same (at least for me) that family and Love means we have each other for ever.

    Please give my Love to all.
    Sis. J

  2. Coralyn says:

    Hi Auntie,

    Just dropping a quick note to let you know that I’m thinking about you. Life has been pretty hectic for me, but I’m loving every minute of it – we only live once! Glad to hear that all is going well with you and your treatment. I get a kick out of hearing you and Mom laughing it up on the phone! I can feel the love all the way upstairs! lol People tell me that I can be loud sometimes too – especially if something is funny. Now I know where I got it from!! Laughing out loud is good for you …

    You’re so right to remind us that we should not forget those who do not have anything over the upcoming Christmas holidays. I’m making mental note to myself now. Well, I’ve got some paperwork to go over for a meeting tomorrow. I’ll be in touch later. Meanwhile, give my love to everyone and take care of yourself.

    Luv Coralyn

  3. mary williams says:

    hey girl, it was nice to hear from you. godis so good,iam happy to hear that you had a very good christmas withyour family.tall nelson and allan we send our love.we had a very good christmas also, howie and i went to shelia for christmas dinner you know what she is like,she hadso much food, but it was all good.i came home and had to go to bed because i ate soo much,:smile:. god has blessed us with such a loving family and mon and dad taught us well.i know is watching over us and he will continue to do so,we just got to keep the faith and stay in his word .god bless

    love always,sis mary

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