After Thought

It’s Sunday evening the 4th of  July. Attended church this morning , as usual a wonderful time praising the Lord. Had a great Sunday nap but I always wake up hungry. 🙂 It’s time for dinner. We are having ribs and veggies. I love me some ribs. The neighborhood is still very quiet but some people are cooking out. Lots of cars are on the street I live but cannot see any people. They must be inside because of the heat which is about 96 degrees. We are trying to stay up to watch the fire works but it’s a big try.

I know all of you Canadians had your Canada Day last week, with lots of fun stuff. Here it’s about the same only we have a temperature about 96 degrees. So, I will celebrate both holidays, and eat for two countries.

This week I have to get lots of rest and stay calm and focus on my God and the Chemotherapy.  I still feel so good about things, whatever will be will be.

Tonight will  be a early one because I feel like I could sleep now. 🙂 I have not even eaten yet. So, love you all. I will be back tomorrow or  Tuesday. Don’t forget to keep all in prayer. Scripture for today is (Deuteronomy 32 :39) See now that I myself am He! There is no god beside me. I put to death and I bring to life, I have wounded and I will heal, and no one can deliver out of my hand.

I  was suppose to be finished after the scripture but while watching the 4th celebrations on television I heard this Asian American play a classical tune on the piano. I went into metatiation, and this is what came to mind.

Dear Father, as I walk  this long and dark road. I know you will walk it with me. When I kneel to pray I know you are kneeling with me. When I am feeling tired, I know you will give me strength. When  I am feeling sad your words of kindness picks me up. Dear Lord when I am feeling pain and cannot sleep you always rocks me in your arms. In my times of  laughter ,you are there whispering soft words in my ears. So, I thank you Dear Lord for your strong hands and words of wisdoms and love. I LOVE YOU JESUS.

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1 Response to After Thought

  1. Coralyn says:

    Hi Auntie,

    I had you on my mind tonight so I’m dropping a quick line to say hi and that my prayers are with you. Stay strong and I’m so proud of the way that you’re handling everything. Thanks for the inspiration!! Take care and I’ll talk to you soon.

    Luv Coralyn

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