
I will start my day with thank to God. His blessings are all around me at times I cannot see. So, this teaches me to be still and listen.  Looking back over the last few days and my life, I know he is watching over me. Thanks to all my family who posted comments and for their prayers. I am so blessed to have them in my life.

Waking up this morning and giving thanks for the beginning of a new day is another blessing. Sitting outside listing to the wind and watching the birds, thinking how awesome God really is.

I am feeling great today, I had a c-scan yesterday and it went well but if anyone has had one done you know the feeling of the needle and the dye it’s not a good feeling (eek). Now it waiting for the results. That I leave in the hands of the Lord because I know He has his hands on me.

My niece is coming to cook for us today, she comes ever other week to give us a hand and cook meals for a few days. We are so thankful for her. But we look forward to eating her food. 🙂

After finishing this I will get into my bible reading, oh I forgot to turn on my waterfall but first the bible reading.

The scripture to  day is ( Psalm 18:6 ). In my distress I call to the Lord; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears.

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2 Responses to Blessings

  1. Juliette Thomas says:

    Good evening Sis.
    Glad to hear your enjoying your the messages. Everyday is a new day, Joy comes in the morning and we claim no sickness. Stay positive!!!
    You are so lucky to have Keisha to cook for you and we all know how she can throw it down:-)
    Now on a cute note: Vanessa, Charanai and Kimberely (your Nieces) had their semi prom tonight and Sis you should’ve seen them, they are growing up into beautiful young girls. I’ll send pictures soon.
    Give our Love to Bros. Nelson and Alan. We’re thankful to them for taking such good care of you.
    Have a peaceful sleep and I’ll be talking to you soon. You know I’m your biggest cheering fan. LOL

    Love always,
    Sis. Juliette

  2. Lois Bruer says:

    Good morning sis,
    it was so good talking to you after your first
    chemo. The sound of your voice was like
    music to my ears. I don’t know what I expected
    bottom line, I was relieved:). I know it couldn’t
    have been the best places to be, but you have
    life and all I could do after our chat was fall
    on my knees and pray.
    Do you remember the hymn ” I thank you Jesus
    I thank you lord.” that was my prayer in song.
    I love that song.
    I hope to talk to you soon so take extra care and
    you and Nelson enjoy the weekend.
    My prayers are always with you.
    LovU Lo

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