A new beginning

This  is my new beginning. I am the 4th sister from a large family and three of us have been diagnosed with cancer along with one brother. All four of us have different types of cancer. I was diagnosed with leiamyasarcoma which i have gone through radiation and chemotherapy for. Some days are better then others, like today I had lots of pain in both of my knees and legs but life goes on.

Through out this fight I will always put God first and continue to count my many blessing. This has been going on for about two years now and I am always praying for a miracle from  God. My faith is strong and so is my will. I have a good support system from a wonderful husband and son plus other family members near and far.

I  start and end my days with prayer and bible reading it helps to relax me and keep  me calm. I will try to end with this passage from [Proverb 16:20] Whoso trusteth in the Lord, happy is he.

Please feel free to post a comment.

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11 Responses to A new beginning

  1. Juliette Thomas says:

    Hi. Sis.
    I love your title and blog website, “you go girl” this is great and I look forward to dropping in often.
    I have learned that having faith in God and coming from a strong family has really helped me. Whatever your going through keep your faith in the Lord, knowing that he will never give you more than you can bare.
    When a Sister is battling a problem we all feel it and we go into prayer, that’s why Faith4Triumph is so fitting. We claim Triumph over these cancers.
    God bless you and I will be back:-)
    Have a happy day.

  2. Coralyn says:

    Hi Auntie! I’m so proud of you for starting your own blog while you go through this journey. I’m sure that it will help you to stay positive, faithful and patient – no matter what the circumstances. I’ve always felt that keeping a journal is a great way to deal with emotions. Living with Mom as she goes through her treatments has shown me that the best way that she deals with cancer is to get plenty of rest and not to be hard on herself as her body goes through changes during treatment – and live life to the fullest to the best of your abilities on days that you feel good. I’m sure that God will continue to do his work through you. I’ll keep checking in on you to see how you’re making out.

    Luv Coralyn

  3. LadyKemp says:

    First let me say that I am so proud of you for talking about the illness, in that alone is healing! I am delighted to see that you started a blog! How cool it that? I read something this morning that blessed me and I hope that is will bless you too..its from

    For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.–Jeremiah 29:11..I thought about that
    A FUTURE WITH HOPE…..Does God lie? Of course not! His word will never come back to HIM void. Here’s something else that I fould for you today:
    Healing Affirmations

    With my heart open to God’s renewing love, I accept my healing now.
    I am healthy and strong because I am one with God’s healing, revitalizing presence.
    I am created in the image of God, blessed with strength and wholeness.
    The power of God sustains and blesses me with perfect health.
    I have instant access to God’s healing power within. I am whole and well in mind, body, and spirit.

  4. Amanda Colley (Vaillancourt) says:

    Good Morning Auntie,
    I am so happy that you have join up with Blog. So many times I wanted to pick the phone up to call, but they call me the crying baby! So I always asked mom about you everyday. Our family has been going through alot of health issues, but remember God does not give us no more than we can handle. He will see you through this terrible time. Your praying family are all praying for you. Mom passes along hugs & kisses (don’t think she knows how to use the computer, will have to show her). Keep your faith strong, that will see you through this.
    Will check in on your later.
    Love Niece Amanda

  5. Kim says:

    Hi Auntie,
    Your are amazing and such a great inspiration to us all. This blog is a fabulous idea and I’m so proud of you for doing it. Writing has always been a positive outlet for me and I’m sure you’re already seeing its benefits. There may be days you don’t feel like writing and that’s OK, but sometimes those are the best days to do it. So continue to enjoy your blog!
    Please know that I’m always thinking about you and praying for you and that you are a true star!!!!!
    Take Care, Love Always and Blessings, Kim 🙂

  6. Juliette Thomas says:

    Hi Sis.

    I see your getting lots of love. Family is so great and always there to give inspiring words. We haven’t talked for a few days but you know I’m home doing everything but relaxing:-) I have so much to do and once that is over I’ll be able to sit back with a cup of tea. Sure wish you were here with me or me there with you.
    God does show us his beauty everyday and all we have to do is look outside, it’s so nice you can reflex on your day and see how bless you are.
    As always I am right here praying good health for my Sisters and Brothers.
    This is a decree based on Psalm 91 verse 10: No evil befalls me. No sickness comes near my home.

    Have a great day
    Love always, Sis. J

  7. Julie Smith says:

    Hello Sis Oggie,
    Juliette gave me your website today and I’m here at my workplace taking an afternoon break and some time to let you know that what you are doing is absolutely wonderful. God is good and he definitely take care of his own. Keep the faith and good spirit. I know I do not call as often as I would like but through this website I will make time to let you know I am praying for you all the time. Living in the cancer world is not easy but having faith in God will make each day easier. I think about you all the time and want you to know I love you. Keep doing what you are doing. You have a praying family and when prayers go up, blessings come down. Please take time to rest and say hello to Nelson and Alan. I feel so good right now since taking the time to write these few words. I will check in as much as I can……..may God Bless
    Love Sis Hi

  8. Karen Vaillancourt says:

    Hi Aunt Olga,

    I’ve always known you to be a strong woman but your entry in this blog website just made me realize you have the strength to lift all of us up. It sounds like you have a very positive attitude and are continuing to be gentle with yourself as you work through the ongoing healing process. With all the love and prayers behind you and the goodness of God… I am expecting the very best possible outcome. Cherish the words that are sent to you (I know you do). They are given with love and healing and the light all around them. I remember as a little girl I looked so forward to visiting with you for the weekends. You came to pick me up (even when I was sick with the flu). Do you remember pumping me with the Buckley’s medicine to help make me feel better? I remember like it was yesterday. I cherished those moments because I enjoyed spending time with you. I just wish I could be there for you now just to lend a helping hand. All of us wish we could do more but words are all that I have right now to give you and they are given with so much love, care, hugs, smiles, tears, embraces….. One moment at a time. One word at a time.

    Mom sends her love and hugs
    I will check in on you soon,

    Love Always

  9. Amanda Colley (Vaillancourt) says:

    Hey Auntie,

    Just checking in to see how you are doing today? I know God has you & your family in his hands. Keep smiling, because I always said your laughter would make anyone laugh. Hopefully you are getting some rest, as you know that will also help with your healing. Tell the family we also send our love.
    Keep strong Auntie.
    Love Amanda & Family

  10. Jason Vaillancourt says:

    Good day my beautiful God Mother, hope you are feeling well? It’s so nice to read your blogs. We are thinking and praying about you everyday, Gina and the family sends her love. We are still planning on making a trip to come and see you guys will know more once the kids are finished school. Can’t wait to see you and give you a great big hug ……I may even bring mom as long as she behaves herself lol talk to you soon I have to go make a living haha love you guys and God Bless

  11. Lois Bruer says:

    Hey O,
    What a magnificant thing to do, your blog.
    I’m so proud of you and the way you are
    living life, despite your illness. This simply
    confirms the goodness of God. You make my
    day. I know your faith is strong, and it shows.
    Mom and Dad did good by us, didn’t they?:)
    I want you to know that we love you very much
    and if and whenever you need me I will always
    be right there for you. Keep that strong faith
    and you will triumph with Gods help.
    LovU my sister, and may The Almighty
    continue to bless you. Lo

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